MPT 320 Duration Pattern 2
CourseThese exercises center on DURATION perception. A pair of tones are played. Identify the duration pattern as LONG/SHORT or SHORT/LONG.
MPT 330 Duration Pattern 3
CourseThese exercises center on DURATION perception. A pair of tones are played. One will be repeated in a 3-tone sequence. Describe the duration patterns using LONG and SHORT.
MPT 340 Reverberation
CourseThis is a DURATION exercise. You will hear a note played twice. One will have a short reverberation time. One will have a longer reverberation time. Identify the duration pattern using SHORT and LONG.
MPT 501 Melody Synthesis 1
CourseThis is an AUDITORY ORGANIZATION/MEMORY exercise. You will hear a common melody (primarily to US listeners). The melody will be separated note-by-note initially. Identify the melody. The common tempo will then be played.
MPT 502 Rhythm Pattern 1
CourseThese are DURATION pattern exercises. You will hear two brief clips. Determine if they are the SAME or DIFFERENT.
MPT 503 Target Practice 1
CourseThis is a complex listening exercise. You will first hear a "target" sound. Next, a short piece of music will play that includes the target at various times. Count the number of times the target is played.